UK scientists plan to monitor krill from space as species threatened by warming - The researchers hope to analyse where ...
These tiny creatures may be no bigger than your little finger, but scientists plan to start counting them from space. Knowing ...
“When we use an echo sounder to observe a krill swarm, we want to be able to interpret these signals and determine how many krill make up the swarm” A team of Antarctic scientists hopes that ...
When Antarctic krill swarm, the semi-transparent shrimp-like ... Some of these swarms are so large they can be seen from space, extending for miles near the ocean’s surface and hundreds of ...
Krill are small, shrimp-like creatures that swarm in vast numbers and form a major part of the diets of whales, penguins, seabirds, seals and fish. Scientists say warming conditions in recent ...
The fishing boats and whales are “going after the exact same thing; the biggest, largest, densest krill swarms,” Matthew Savoca, an ecologist at Stanford University’s Hopkins Marine Station ...
We estimated that CDOM generation by krill would lead to CDOM duplication times from 0.48 to 0.80 d within krill swarms. Our findings highlight the potential significance of bacteria and Antarctic ...