The lumbar spine includes the five vertebrae in your lower back numbered L1 to L5. These bones help provide mobility and stability to your back and spinal column and are an attachment point for ...
During the accident, two of her lumbar vertebrae, L3 and L4, were fractured and dislocated, and an iron railing caused an abdominal perforation, entering through her left hip and exiting through ...
Before and after 10 weeks of training, multifidus CSAs were measured from standard computed tomography images at three different levels (upper end plate of L3 and L4, and lower end plate of L4).
MRI was used to determine the cross-sectional areas (CSAs) of the psoas and quadratus lumborum muscles at the L4–L5 vertebral level (psoas) and the L3–L4 vertebral level (quadratus lumborum). Setting ...