There to send your unsuspecting soldier, it was tough, isn't it? Why was air power not properly used against the LTTE? Air power would have only destroyed civilians. We had gone there to ...
The Sri Lankan military says it has carried out air attacks against Tamil Tiger rebel ... "The attempt to break the LTTE Forward Defence Line in Muhamaalai, Kilaali and Kandal in the Northern ...
There had been many attempts at reaching a peaceful conclusion to the separatist movement spearhead by the LTTE in the north and east of the country July 1985 ... Prabhakaran endorsed the accord and ...
LTTE artillery attacked Palaly airbase causing a suspension of flights to Jaffna. The closure of the A9 and air flights, combined with LTTE threats to attack shipping to Jaffna, led to a severe ...
Debate focused on acceptable terms for negotiating with the LTTE and administrative arrangements for ethnic power sharing ... on journalists in 1998. Two air force officers, a squadron leader ...