The values that guided them then—generosity, perseverance, bravery, and wisdom—continue to serve the Lakota people today. Mandy Van Heuvelen Cegape or Strike the Kettle (Lakota, ca.
Now, Sitting Bull, the Hunkpapa Lakota warrior who had roused his people at Little Bighorn, had been murdered by federal Indian police. The regiment was tasked with intercepting, disarming and ...
Sitting Bull refused. “My great grandfather knew that his ghost dance was not a Lakota sacred ceremony. But he had to give his hope to his people, so he allowed them to do this,” LaPointe said.
The Lakota people can now enjoy the beloved superhero movie “The Avengers” in their traditional language. Star Mark Ruffalo worked with the community to have audio of the 2012 Marvel film ...
According to Lakota tradition, White Buffalo Calf Woman appeared to the Lakota people during a time of great need, bringing them the sacred pipe and teachings of harmony, respect and gratitude for ...