Capuchin Father Roberto Pasolini, preacher of the papal household, leads a meditation during a Lenten retreat for cardinals ...
A Guided Lent Journal for Prayer and Meditation. Presently a counselor in private practice, Sister Josephine earned a master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling from the Chicago School ...
Heidland will guide listeners through imaginative prayer; Schmitz will give Sunday homilies; and Sarah will offer guidance for silent meditation. “Our Lenten challenge is always our biggest ...
"Lent is 40 days of praying, reflection, meditation and preparation for the death of Jesus, and his resurrection." McCants said Lent also should encompass self-evaluation, as well as the ...
Lent, a period of prayer ... Hallow is "a prayer and meditation app that combines the peace and stillness of meditation with the spiritual growth of contemplative prayer," according to ...
Wahlberg is a key figure on Hallow, a Catholic prayer and meditation app that helps users incorporate faith into their daily routines. This Lent, "Hallow" is launching its Lent Pray40 Challenge ...
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday ... Hallow is "a prayer and meditation app that combines the peace and stillness of meditation with the spiritual growth of contemplative prayer," according to ...