The self-taught chemist. Linus Pauling's lifelong fascination with chemistry was ignited during childhood by a friend's chemistry set. He was born on February 28, 1901, in Portland, Oregon ...
An Introduction to Modern Structural Chemistry. By Prof. Linus Pauling. Third edition. (The George Fisher Baker Non-resident Lectureship in Chemistry at Cornell University.) Pp. xx + 644.
of biology and chemistry at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, where Pauling had spent the bulk of his career from 1922 to 1963. A longtime friend and colleague of Pauling's, Davidson ...
This vital theoretical concept in chemistry, first introduced by American chemist Linus Pauling in 1932 as ‘the power of an atom in a molecule to attract electrons to itself’, has played a significant ...
Author of The Nature of the Chemical Bond. Recognized as the father of molecular biology. Discovered sickle cell anemia was a molecular disease, opening the way toward examining genetically acquired ...
When Linus Pauling wrote about this bond in 1931 ... during which time he won a Nobel Peace Prize and a Nobel Prize in Chemistry, making him the only person to win two solo Nobel Prizes—but ...