The mitochondrial transporter SLC25A48 lacked a specific substrate to transport. A necessary nutrient, choline is involved in ...
Spermidine is the sole substrate for the hypusination of EIF5A ... proteins and regulating mitochondrial respiration and lipid oxidation. This pathway is decreased in NASH, and spermidine ...
Skeletal muscle cells also oxidize lipids. Indeed, fatty acids are the ... Other secondary factors that influence the substrate of choice for muscle include exercise duration, gender, and training ...
Lipid bilayer forms a water-impermeable barrier that defines ... functional and computational methods to understand basic chemical and physical principles in membrane proteins: How substrates are ...
Cryo-EM analysis of the actinoporin Fav pore reveals octameric structure binding 112 lipids and clusters of cholesterols. Molecular simulations highlight complex protein-lipid interactions crucial ...
Fats and oils, or lipids, provide insulation and an energy ... The process of an enzyme breaking a substrate molecule apart. If enzymes are heated too much or put into a higher or lower pH ...
Fats and oils, or lipids, provide insulation and an energy ... The process of an enzyme breaking a substrate molecule apart. If enzymes are heated too much or put into a higher or lower pH ...