For the first time, researchers finally have the tools to track these turtles beyond a few months after their release, thanks ...
Loggerhead sea turtles that were rehabilitated at New England Aquarium and released back into the ocean in 2021 and 2022 are ...
Loggerhead sea turtles ( Caretta caretta) are pretty loyal marine reptiles. Even with their roughly 8,000-mile-long migrations across oceans, they consistently return to the same feeding and nesting ...
Acoustic tagging technology implanted into loggerhead sea turtles has helped rescuers learn how long the reptiles live after ...
Sea turtles are capable of creating GPS-like magnetic maps to guide them back to foraging grounds, and they do a little dance when they recognize those spots ...
Loggerhead Marinelife Center is partnering with Gumbo Limbo Nature Center to expand its Voluntary Sea Turtle Protection Zone.
Florida beaches are about to get filled with sea turtle eggs as the nesting season of the reptiles starts in March.
There are nine public opportunities available throughout the Treasure Coast to observe sea turtles during the season.
Explore how green sea turtles adapt their nesting timing in response to climate change and rising sea temperatures.
The study, published in scientific journal Nature, is the first to find empirical evidence for the “magnetic mapping” ability ...
Construction work on the protected islet of Marathonisi in Zakynthos, where caretta-caretta turtles lay their eggs, is being ...