Loggerhead turtles “dance” when exposed to food-associated magnetic fields, and their magnetic map may help them return to specific areas after long migrations.
Now, a new study, published Wednesday in the journal Nature, reveals loggerhead turtles, the most abundant sea turtle species ... temperatures and a standard diet to simulate natural seawater ...
(WSVN) - A sea turtle was rescued and released back into the waters off Key West to the sound of supporter cheers. Luna, the 270 pound Loggerhead ... and a healthy diet of seafood before being ...
The result is a better understanding of their astonishing migrations. A loggerhead sea turtle, shortly after hatching, heads out to sea on a beach at Bald Head Island, North Carolina (US).
A baby loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta ... described the discovery as a "major breakthrough for sea turtle conservation in the region". “While we’ve known that adult loggerheads ...