The morning of the sneeze, the man’s doctors reported that he was healing well and could remove staples binding the wound together. He and his wife went out to breakfast at the diner to celebrate.
A young, healthy American man nearly died after suffering a stroke when an artery ruptured in his neck—caused by a sneeze. According to his doctors, 35-year-old Ian Applegate was sitting in his ...
trying to find a big bass sneeze, presumably with a burglar attached. At last reports neither had been found. View Full Article in Timesmachine » Advertisement ...
The man explained he dons the gear to show others that he is “not affected by any infectious disease” when he is gripped by sneezing due to an acute pollen allergy. “Just wearing a mask ...
A simple sneeze can travel up to 100 miles an hour and spray a cloud of 100,000 germs. Sounds gross, but sneezing is actually a protective reflex that's designed to keep you healthy. It begins ...
Bless you: The sneeze simulator being tested in the lab. (Courtesy: Research group ECOMMFIT from the URV) A new “sneeze simulator” could help scientists understand how respiratory illnesses such as ...