The Math/CS club meets Wednesdays at 4pm in the Ritter Hall Lobby. Events include outside speakers, games, competitions, field trips, and other opportutnities to socialize with fellow students.
Enter the world of the Mathematics Club at Ella Du Plessis High School, where 40 members led by Inomuinjo Kapimbi and Josephine Nuulimba are igniting a passion for math. Since its founding earlier ...
Math Club @ WMU is dedicated to promoting engagement in mathematics, by creating opportunities for learning and fun. The Western Michigan University Math Club works in concert with the Michigan ...
Shirland Middle School announces the release of a book written and illustrated by its math club: The Pi Day Pirates: A ...
MACOMB, IL - - The Western Illinois University Math Club invites students to join the presentation by speaker Kinshuk Mangal from 3-4 p.m. Friday, March 7, in Morgan Hall 224. From the Department of ...