在世界的另一端,远离我们熟知的古老文明发源地,南美洲的地图上隐藏着一个令人神往的秘密——一个被比作 美索不达米亚 的神秘区域。这不仅是一次地理上的探索,更是一场穿越时空的文化之旅,让我们一同揭开这片土地的神秘面纱,探寻那些失落的文明之光。
Archaeologist and scholar Giorgio Buccellati’s book At the Origins of Politics describes how Mesopotamia’s urban revolution in the late fourth millennium BC shaped a new mentality. The segmentation ...
The artifacts were excavated from a city dating back to the third millennium B.C.E. by researchers from Iraq and the British ...
Archaeologists have discovered a massive and well-preserved network of ancient irrigation canals in southern Mesopotamia, ...
Archaeologist and scholar Giorgio Buccellati’s book At the Origins of Politics describes how Mesopotamia’s urban revolution in the late fourth millennium BC shaped a new mentality.
At first, like most students of the ancient near east, he wanted to work on Mesopotamia. The 2003 invasion of Iraq put paid to that. At Cleuziou’s suggestion he turned instead to Iran and contacted ...
Researchers have uncovered a vast and well-preserved network of ancient irrigation canals in the Eridu region of southern Mesopotamia, shedding new ...
Modern historiography has tended to assume that violence was the primary driving force behind the formation of the first ...
Shyne has lost his bid for re-election in Belize. The former Bad Boy conceded defeat in a press conference on Wednesday night ...
This 8th-century miniature, by the Spanish monk Beatus of Liébana, depicts the Bible story of Babylonian King Nebuchadrezzar eating grass as divine punishment. Photograph by Granger Collection ...
Archaeologists have uncovered a vast network of canals underneath the world’s oldest city in Mesopotamia, shedding more light on the rise of farming in the region. Researchers, led by ...