Read on to see hair metal's five best bassists. It's not easy contending with two guitar wizards at once, but Juan Croucier ...
The hair, or glam, metal bands of the 1980s remain one of the true guilty pleasures in music history. The hair spray, makeup, and catchy pop tunes touched up with distortion were made for MTV.
Guitarist Dave “Snake” Sabo spoke about the band’s future plans in an interview with Scott Michael Nathan of “The Bad ...
Our picks for the Heaviest Song by 11 Big Hair Metal Bands proves that the genre, which relied so heavily on simple pop sensibilities, packed a harder punch than its detractors were willing to ...
READ MORE: The 10 Best Hair Metal Albums of the 1990s As the ’80s progressed and the L.A. hard rock scene became increasingly saturated, the latter category began to outweigh the former. The ...
Hopefully these nods to some of the era's biggest and brightest bands helped legitimize hair metal in the eyes of the critical establishment and will pave the way for similar inductions in the future.
While Rod Stewart always has ‘Do Ya Think I’m Sexy’ hanging over him and The Clash have every minute of Cut the Crap to ...
People talk about how Pantera started out playing glam metal, but it seems like nobody ever mentions that ... or Mike Starr ever even joined the band — so it’s basically just footage of Layne Staley ...
In a new interview with, the 44-year-old musician reveals that, having played in bands since his teens, by 2004 he was "struggling" with the gnawing realisation that he had missed whatever ...
with glam and hair metal acts like Motley Crue and Poison spearheading the movement. Thrash metal became huge, with bands such as Metallica and Megadeth reaching ever larger audiences, thanks in ...