The Napster music service has had a turbulent history. Now a new chapter awaits: the start-up Infinite Reality wants to turn ...
That’s the future of the metaverse! Most of our retired clients remember back when Internet access started with that annoying screeching sound when you dialed in over your phone line.
Yes, the metaverse. You've no doubt already heard the buzzword, but have you experienced what it's all about? I have – and I can tell you it's nothing but a fad. A vacuous idea that people want ...
For instance, the crypto-wallet startup MetaMask hired an architecture firm to build its headquarters in the metaverse in the shape of its fox logo. And Republic Realm is hiring for over a dozen ...
This week Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the new name for the Facebook group and went into detail about his plans for the metaverse. Early in the 80-minute presentation, he entered into a ...
A typical day in the metaverse – a shared immersive virtual world – may before long closely resemble the familiar world we live in. We will visit shopping centres, drive across town ...