Mice carrying a gene variant present in nearly every human on Earth — but not in extinct relatives including Neanderthals — produce more-complex chirps than normal rodents do 1. The finding ...
When the scientists put the human version of NOVA1 into mice, the animals made more complex sounds. Erich Jarvis, a neuroscientist at Rockefeller University and a co-author of the new study ...
If you asked somebody what sound a mouse makes, most people would answer 'squeak' - but mice can also make chirping sounds in the ultrasonic range that humans can’t hear. The researchers took a ...
A new contender for a human 'language gene' can change the way that mice squeak when it is incorporated into their DNA.
Darnell tells the New York Times’ Carl Zimmer. The mice with the human version of NOVA1 began squeaking differently, especially male mice calling out to female mice. Overall, their squeaks were ...
Mice really developed higher enhanced cognitive ... Early on a hazy Sunday morning, you're watering your garden. Suddenly, ...