The Modern Spiritualist movement dates from 1848 when the Fox sisters of Hydesville, New York produced knocking sounds that were alleged to be messages from a spirit. Spiritualists communicate ...
Between the 16th and 18th centuries, the traditional literary culture of Wales was transformed by social and religious change ... The greatest scholar of early modern Wales was Edward Lhuyd.
Throughout his distinguished career, University of Chicago Prof. Emeritus and the Rev. Dr. Martin E. Marty was one of the country’s foremost theologians and religious historians—a renowned public ...
“Modern Jewish thought” is often defined as a German affair ... this volume is organized in roughly chronological order, to highlight the connections linking religion, politics and history, as they ...
Between the 16th and 18th centuries, the traditional literary culture of Wales was transformed by social and religious change ... The greatest scholar of early modern Wales was Edward Lhuyd.
With few exceptions, Modern Orthodox communities forbid women ... On Purim, women across religious denominations gathered to read Megillat Esther, a practice that is now widely accepted but ...
Discover the profound essence of spirituality that transcends traditional religious boundaries. Explore how the modern mystic embraces a personal journey to connection and enlightenment.