According to a release from Animals Asia, the animal welfare organization organized the rescue of 101 moon bears from an ex-bile farm in China earlier this year and successfully moved from the ...
Chinh, an Asiatic black bear, also known as a moon bear, spent over two decades at a bear bile farm in Vietnam, where he lived in a small indoor cage. At bile farms, captive bears endure painful ...
“The only big problem is the pressure from the public to protect the animals.” The bears used for the bile are Asiatic black bears, also known as moon bears because of a yellow crescent moon shape on ...
In Vietnam, where bear bile farming hit a peak of almost 4,500 captive animals 15 years ago, many of the moon bears we rescue have spent decades trapped in tiny metal cages, surviving on scraps of ...
Chinh the moon bear is now focused on relaxation and rehabilitation at FOUR PAWS' sanctuary in Vietnam A bear is again ...
most likely to try and establish a bear bile farm," Hunt said. Bear bile farming involves extracting bile from the gallbladders of living bears for use in traditional Chinese medicine. The ...