Every penny we spend on hardware is a penny less to spend on patient outcomes,' says digital director and CISO Deryck Mitchelson Deryck Mitchelson, director of digital and CISO at NHS Scotland ...
Since 1948, the NHS has provided vital healthcare free at the point of need and available to all in need. There is not a single life in Scotland that has not been touched by the NHS. The service ...
On the health service, doctors leaders’ said Covid “brutally exposed” long-term issues with Scotland’s NHS. Since 2020, the hospital waiting list in Scotland has swollen from 449,021 to a ...
Thousands of overweight children in Scotland, including tots as young as two, have been referred for specialist help. Since 2020/21, more than 4,000 youngsters, some still nursery age, have been ...
Anas Sarwar said a Labour government would end a "culture of bureaucracy" in the NHS Anas Sarwar has called ... He called for Scotland to "maximise" clean energy investments and criticised the ...