Boys on the Verge of Tears is an outstanding premiere of a compelling new play, among the best Melbourne’s indie theatre has to offer.
Neurosis is characterized by ongoing feelings of anxiety, fear, and stress. People with this disorder often experience ...
Neurosis co-leader Steve Von Till has announced a new solo album, Alone in a World of Wounds, due May 16 via Neurot Recordings . The album was recorded mostly at Steve’s barn st ...
Alan Doak reviews supernatural focuses podcast The Telepathy Tapes hosted by Ky Dickens. He also discusses Fashion Neurosis with Bella Freud, a fashion/interview podcast looking at the unspoken ...
In a somewhat cryptic instagram post, Jason Roeder, drummer for Neurosis and Sleep, stated that he is stepping away from music. Roeder deleted all of his Instagram posts except one, where he appears ...
Scott Kelly of Neurosis had some critical things to say about his experiences with Dead Kennedys' co-founder Jello Biafra and his label, Alternative Tentacles Records. The band is reissuing 1993's ...
(Proc chance: 30%, 40s cooldown) Requires Leatherworking (250) To get the Membrane of Dark Neurosis Leatherworkers must complete the SoD Phase 3 Crafting Questline. After you get the Mantle of ...