Case in point, one study found that nurses who often held it in all day due to job constraints had nearly double the normal bladder capacity! And they were totally fine. But this doesn't mean you ...
If you have been experiencing urinary problems and have a history of holding in urine for long it could be a sign of an ...
Patients with osteoarthritis, but not immune-related arthritis, demonstrate increased odds for developing overactive bladder ...
One of the most common early symptoms of bladder cancer is blood in your urine. You’ll likely notice it in the toilet after you pee. It doesn’t happen in all cases, however. Bladder cancer ...
A normal bladder will expand to store urine and can store up to two cups of urine for several hours. Once full, the bladder's ...
Subscribe to Technology Networks’ daily newsletter, delivering breaking science news straight to your inbox every day. Subscribe for FREE A normal bladder will expand to store urine and can store up ...