而对于未来市场的发展,多个专家团队已经对市场动向进行了研究和预判。 张教授 表示,随着显示技术的持续更新迭代,优化OLED显示器的电致发光机制,使得多种新型材料的应用成为可能,不仅能提高设备的使用寿命,还将进一步降低整体耗电量。他谨慎地提醒,进入2025年后,行业的技术门槛和法规也将更加严格,产品的研发将面临越来越多的挑战。
大屏电视的ETL领域一直被德国Novaled公司垄断。 Solus Advanced Materials 以其新开发的 ETL 产品更高的工作电压和寿命性能而推出下一代型号并进入市场,目前已投入量产。
CINNO Research产业资讯,近日,韩国最高法院宣布将对“JNC-SFC专利无效诉讼”上诉案进行实质审理,这一决定为SK Materials JNC提供了宝贵的反击机会。在专利诉讼领域,最高法院对上诉案进行实质审理的情况实属罕见,仅占案件总数的20%-30%,其余大多数上诉均被驳回。因此,此次审理对于JNC而言无疑是一个重大利好。
A breakthrough new OLED technology could mean smartwatches with longer battery life, more energy-efficient TVs, and even ...
Meanwhile, micro-LED represents the pinnacle of TV tech, offering the brightness of QLED, the self-emissive qualities of OLED ...
Hardman Johnston Global Advisors, an investment management company, released its “Hardman Johnston Global Equity” fourth ...
Researchers have discovered a new host material for blue OLED pixels Tests showed a big jump in power efficiency The breakthrough could mean cheaper production Good news for anyone hankering for a ...
The Philips OLED+959 looks and sound amazing, but a higher price tag compared to its rivals is a tough thing to ignore.
The Price to Earnings (P/E) ratio, a key valuation measure, is calculated by dividing the stock's most recent closing price by the sum of the diluted earnings per share from continuing operations ...
and commercializes organic light-emitting diode (OLED) technologies and materials. The one-month return Universal Display Corporation (NASDAQ:OLED) was -3.76%, and its shares lost 8.90% of their ...
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