By Elizabeth Devitt Sea ice extent is at record, and near record, lows for this time of year in both polar regions, leaving ...
This year's Arctic sea ice peak is the lowest in the 47-year satellite record, according to data released by the US National ...
Sea ice plays many important roles for the global climate: Its white surface can reflect energy back into space, helping the ...
“As the sea ice melts, more solar radiation is absorbed by the ocean, because you don’t have this protective cover of the sea ice,” he said. Last month’s record low for the global sea ice ...
“It is very likely that in the future, the Arctic Ocean is going to be another Atlantic or Pacific. There’s debate, but some Earth system models predict that over the next several decades, there will ...
They are some of the most productive in the world, and support huge numbers of species and individual animals, and feed the biggest animals in the world like the blue whale,” says professor Huw ...
The northern and southern reaches of the planet are warming faster than any area on Earth, with the Arctic ocean and air temperatures rising twice as much as elsewhere. The Greenland and Antarctic ice ...
Toward our planet's poles, the ocean's surface is locked in ice. But in the Arctic, a warm current from the south keeps some Norwegian fjords ice-free all year round. Here, in winter, pods of ...
Melting ice sheets are slowing the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), the world's strongest ocean current, researchers have found. This melting has implications for global climate indicators ...
Ocean-related activities generated €624 billion in revenue and provided jobs for 3.6 million people in the European Union in 2021. This part of the economy is known as the “blue economy ...