WWF congratulates the Maldives Pole and Line Skipjack Fishery for becoming the first Indian Ocean tuna fishery to receive MSC certification. WWF congratulates the Maldives Pole and Line Skipjack ...
Tuna are essential for a healthy ocean ecosystem. Being an apex predator at the top of the food chain, tuna are a significant part of the ocean nutrient pump transporting nutrients to the sea surface ...
Representatives of 30 nations meet on Tuesday to seek ways to save fast-depleting tuna stocks in the Indian Ocean as demand in Asia and the West soars for sushi and tinned fish. The Indian Ocean ...
At a meeting this month, the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission set quotas for members’ catches of bigeye tuna for the first time. The quotas cover 2024 and 2025. The IOTC has 30 members.
Step into the luxurious world of bluefin tuna sashimi, where precision and skill come together to create exquisite dishes. Kama Toro, the most sought-after and delicious part of the tuna ...
The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) is currently developing a Quota Allocation System (QAS) for the main targeted species under the IOTC competence,to in part meet the Commission objective of ...
Bigeye tuna in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean were perceived as overfished for nearly 20 years, in large part due to incidental catch in the much larger skipjack tuna fishery. Efforts to halt ...
The bluefin tuna, one of the world's most remarkable ocean creatures, is in trouble and needs your help. Overfishing is driving this mighty warm-blooded fish toward the brink of extinction, and yet ...
A bluefin tuna sold for $1.3 million at a predawn auction in Tokyo on Sunday morning, making it one of the most expensive tuna to be sold in the history of sushi. The 608-pound fish, equivalent in ...