It makes humans human. After we’ve dug ourselves out of this obscene opera buffa or grotesque clown ballet (take your pick), there will be more art to make and see. So, to paraphrase the British ...
A sense of mischief also pervades the opera buffa itself, what with its characters gambling on love and swapping fiancées. This weekend, Virginia Opera’s “Così Fan Tutte” comes to Richmond ...
and arguably the greatest masterwork of the Italian opera buffa (comic opera) genre, Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville.) The First Cello Concerto of Camille Saint-Saens, featuring ...
Although it was booed on its first night, it went on to become one of the greatest masterpieces of comedic music, and has been described as the “opera buffa of all opere buffe”. After two ...