The Oregon grape harvest of 2024 will go down as a spectacular year with great weather and ideal picking conditions. The head winemaker at NW Wine Company in Dundee called it a perfect year since ...
We’ve named a state bird (Western meadowlark), a state flower (Oregon grape), a state nut (hazelnut), a state tree (Douglas fir), a state animal (American beaver), a state fruit (pear), a state ...
Oregon grape, a woody shrub in the Barberry family, Berberidaceae, is an understory invasive that prefers partial shade and moist, yet well-drained soils typically grows 1-5 feet tall, spreading ...
Other state symbols include the Dungeness Crab, pear, hazelnut and Oregon grape. “I look forward to having the first Oregon meal that consists of the state vegetable being a potato, the T-bone ...
Ambar Estate joins Troon Vineyard in southern Oregon as the first certified regenerative organic vineyards in the state. Co-owner Pam Turner said there are others in California and other parts of ...