近日,世界三大设计奖项之一的德国iF设计大奖正式揭晓。锦湖轮胎在未来移动出行领域的产品创造性得到了世界级设计大奖的认可,其“Volume”和“Origami”两款产品荣获iF 设计大奖,彰显了锦湖轮胎强大的产品设计竞争力。
Can’t get to D.C.’s Tidal Basin this year? Just follow these steps to fold a blossom that will always be in peak bloom.
He collaborated with the American Society of Engineers to create a project called "Future World Vision," a virtual immersive ...
在美国对进口钢材和铝材征收 25%关税 的背景下,传统铝架供应链面临成本上升和复杂性问题。Origami Solar的100%美国制造钢架为行业提供了稳定且经济的解决方案,避免了关税、附加税和潜在物流风险, 强化了本土供应链,降低了全球供应链中断风险 ...
Origami cranes are also an international symbol for peace, hope and healing. In 2011, when a powerful earthquake hit Japan, ...
Known as Polygons, the three-in-one origami measuring spoons have a flat design that can be easily folded into common ...
With the long-term goal of creating living cells from non-living components, scientists in the field of synthetic biology ...