They had Stone Age technology, but their vision was millennia ahead of their time. Five thousand years ago the ancient inhabitants of Orkney—a fertile, green archipelago off the northern tip of ...
Previous research has shown cultural connections — such as similarities in pottery styles — between the area around Stonehenge and Scotland’s Orkney Islands. Other stones at Stonehenge came ...
But Orkney's trump card is history: Stone Age history, Viking history, World War naval history (both World War I and World War II, when submarines sank battleships in Scapa Flow and the whole ...
On the Orkney Islands, off the coast of Scotland, there are no trees. Neolithic people on the islands built their houses from stone. Image caption, Today, this Neolithic home is open to the air ...
The individual sites that form part of the Heart of Neolithic Orkney (Skara Brae, Ring of Brodgar Stone Circle and Henge, Maeshowe Chambered Cairn, and the Stones of Stenness Circle and Henge ...
Just outside the complex of houses, a workshop stands on its own where chert - a local flint substitute - was made into stone tools. Also, volcanic pumice, washed up on Orkney's beaches from ...
Huge stones weighing up to 30 tons were dragged ... was caught in a terrible blizzard during an attack on Orkney. He and three companions sheltered in Maes Howe for three long days waiting for ...
The Heart of Neolithic Orkney is vulnerable to the sea level changes, precipitation changes, and storm intensity and ...