"I needed a way to protect my ostomy pouch while training and working as a police officer, playing hockey, or engaging in ...
Colostomy. A colostomy is an opening that connects the large bowel, or colon, to the skin. The stool draining from a colostomy will be pasty. Ostomy pouch. An ostomy pouch is the bag that collects the ...
After being left with two permanent ostomy bags, Jearlean Taylor wants to encourage other cancer survivors to embrace their differences Joelle Goldstein is a Senior News Editor on the TV team for ...
Most likely, you will have met them before the operation. They can remind you of how to take care of your stoma, ostomy, or pouch. Constant drainage is best during the first 3 to 4 weeks for a new ...
Bowel movements will leave your body through it and collect in a special pouch that you’ll empty out. Your health care team will show you how to change your bag and take care of the stoma.