为探究脂蛋白代谢及疾病相关问题,研究人员利用 AFM 研究酸化对 LDL/oxLDL 与受体相互作用的影响,为理解动脉粥样硬化提供新视角。 在人体血液循环中,血浆脂蛋白就像一群勤劳的 “快递员”,负责运输脂质。其中,低密度脂蛋白(LDL)和氧化低密度脂蛋白 ...
A new study published in the Journal of American Medical Association showed that the innovative small interfering RNA (siRNA) medication olpasiran (Amgen) can effectively reduce lipoprotein(a) ...
Some evidence suggests that regularly eating avocados may also help decrease levels of oxidized LDL cholesterol. This type of cholesterol is significantly associated with atherosclerosis.