Read about concerns shared with the UK Covid-19 Inquiry module on procurement about the lack of nurse involvement in PPE decision making.
Few healthcare trends turn on a dime, and it’s no different in the nursing home laundry room. The last tectonic shift came in the 1990s ...
Criticism of PPE contract system ‘wholly naive’, Hancock tells Covid inquiry - Former health secretary Matt Hancock gave ...
He also told the probe that offers came before the call to arms “because it was so obvious that the country needed more PPE”. “I had the head of the Royal College of Nursing, somebody who ...
Members of staff used to reuse PPE that wasn’t designed to be reused.” The inquiry heard that pre-pandemic, there were 6,000 nursing vacancies in Scotland and many staff were drafted into new ...
Doug Barrowman, who led PPE Medpro, pictured alongside his wife Baroness Michelle Mone. The chair of the Covid inquiry has ruled that evidence related to PPE Medpro, the firm linked to Baroness ...