July 7, 1944 The largest and most fearsome banzai charge of the Pacific War takes place on Saipan. Three thousand suicidal Japanese soldiers attack a U.S. Army division, overrunning two battalions.
July 7, 1944 The largest and most fearsome banzai charge of the Pacific War takes place on Saipan. Three thousand suicidal Japanese soldiers attack a U.S. Army division, overrunning two battalions.
Mark Stille, the veteran author of numerous books on naval history, among them Pacific Carrier War and, Leyte Gulf: A New History of the World's Largest Sea Battle, has produced a meticulous, ...
Retired U.S. Navy commander Stille, the author of a good many books on naval history and the Pacific War, including The Imperial Japanese Navy in the Pacific War, gives us an overview of the great ...
Evan Mawdsley’s Supremacy at Sea is an engaging and fast moving account of the opening moves of the U.S. Navy’s Central Pacific offensive during the first half of 1944 and that offensive’s driving ...