The two 747s were not the only aircraft that were asked to divert to Tenerife due to the dramatic events that were unfolding ...
In 1980, Pan Am significantly upgraded its first class cabins on its Boeing 747 and 747SP aircraft by introducing Sleeperette ...
US-based legacy carrier Delta Air Lines operated what many expected would be the last Boeing 747 flight ever flown by the ...
A month later, on January 22, 1970, the Boeing 747 officially entered commercial service with its launch customer, Pan Am. The airline's inaugural 747 flight carried 335 passengers and 20 crew ...
The Pan Am Experience is actually a replication of what it used to be like to fly on a Pan Am 747 back in the 1970s. Avella: Alright, guys, the first step was to check in at the Pan American desk.
A US judge has agreed to delay the trial of a Libyan man accused of building the bomb that destroyed Pan Am Flight 103 over ...