Parasites have been likened to “ecological dark matter” – an unseen force vital for sustaining life on earth as we know it, ...
The resulting coevolutionary arms race includes sophisticated defenses by hosts and escalating tools of exploitation by parasites. For the parasite, benefits include increased fecundity due to ...
It has long been assumed that cowbird parasitism can result in changes in songbird communities, but surprisingly the De Groot and Smith (2001) study is the first to assess whether this brood parasite ...
Hauber, M. E. Discordancy or template-based recognition? Dissecting the cognitive basis of foreign eggs in hosts of avian brood parasites. Journal of Experimental Biology 213, 1976–1983 (2010).
Once a bird feeds on the snail that is infected, the parasite completes its cycle by moving into the bird's digestive system. It grows and matures in the bird, producing eggs that are excreted ...
If your dog or cat happens to consume the feces of infected birds, they can contract parasites, too. Even if you only have one pet bird, they should be frequently dewormed to protect them and ...
If you've noticed odd behaviour by birds visiting the feeder in your garden, pay close attention - you may be inadvertently ...
The genius way to fight off birdbath grime is by placing a 1p copper coin in the middle. First, clean the birdbath thoroughly ...
If you need another reason to keep your feline pets indoors, read on. Since March 2024, when a bird flu virus (H5N1) ...
Surprisingly the De Groot and Smith (2001) study is the first to assess whether this brood parasite can change bird community composition. They state their hypothesis as: brown-headed cowbirds change ...
Most of her research combines two groups of organisms with magnificent life-history strategies: birds and their haemosporidian parasites – a group of protozoans that includes the infamous pathogens ...
Birdbaths can quickly become dirty, but gardeners have shared a simple hack to stop algae building up in the water without ...