Welcome to our fellowship programs! Texas Children’s Hospital is a phenomenal place to train in Pediatric Radiology, featuring a fun and diverse faculty, outstanding clinical sites and top-of-the-line ...
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a growing global concern, affecting approximately 2.8% of children in the United States and ...
Background: Children who need MR scanning frequently need sedation in order to remain still for the procedure. This poses a number of potential problems including the organizational difficulties ...
The Pediatric Neuroradiology Division at Texas Children's Hospital covers the full spectrum of pediatric neuroimaging, from trauma CT to advanced MRI (functional MRI, rsfMRI, DTI, MR perfusion, etc.), ...
Researchers used a virtual reality game and functional MRI to uncover how children's brains with ADHD respond differently during active tasks.
Multiparametric quantitative MRI could potentially help differentiate between Duchenne muscular dystrophy and Becker muscular ...
Background: Chloral hydrate is a widely used sedative for MRI scanning in the newborn. However some studies suggest that infants may have a relatively high risk of complications 1. The aim of this ...