Registration season is upon us, and if you’re like most students, you’ve been busy creating possible course schedules, ...
MAT_SCI 301-0 or equivalent or consent of instructor; GEN_ENG 205-4 or equivalent; PHYSICS 135-2, PHYSICS 135-3; MAT_SCI 351-1 is prerequisite for MAT_SCI 351-2 This is the second part of a two-course ...
While we do not offer a fully online degree in physics, our select online classes are regular Michigan Tech classes available to anyone qualified to take classes at Tech, anywhere in the world.
Basic concepts of physics emphasizing the meaning of modern developments of the science. High school mathematics required. Fulfills three credit hours of the general science requirement. For ...
The new lab curriculum involves cost-effective use of smartphone technology to conduct physics lab experiments. The "Physics with Phones" lab involves lessons for K-12 and college-level courses.
Research in plasma physics is extraordinarily broad, encompassing basic physics of plasmas, fusion sciences, space and astrophysics, beam and accelerator physics, laser-matter interactions, and ...
Try these quizzes based on GCSE physics past papers. By working your way through the physics questions created by experts, you can prepare for your physics exams and make your revision more ...