Successfully harnessing the power of fusion energy could lead to cleaner and safer energy for all—and contribute ...
US-based energy company Type One Energy has published the world’s first detailed and self-consistent physics basis, with ...
Successfully harnessing the power of fusion energy could lead to cleaner and safer energy for all – and contribute ...
Researchers in the US have perfected a gas injection system designed to protect nuclear reactors from the extreme heat of ...
BEIJING -- A team of Chinese researchers has developed a power-free device to extract plasma from whole blood with 99 percent separation efficiency, showing broad application prospect in point-of ...
The reactor, called Lawson Machine 26 (LM26), is General Fusion’s latest iteration in a string of devices that have tested ...
Advanced mirror technology can reduce the intensity of artefacts in the output of high-power laser systems by ... a doubt the practical potential of the plasma-mirror concept.