The author and poet Michael Rosen introduces and reads some of his best-known poems for children: The space on the page The 'space' is a ‘friend’ to whom Michael Rosen can tell anything.
Open any poetry book for proof: You’ll find love poems for romantic moments, silly rhymes for kids and limericks for when you feel like laughing. Maybe that’s why poetry has even taken over ...
Angela Knight, library media specialist at Harrison Elementary, wrote the forward for the new book. She was also awarded SPS ...
Poet and author Charles Ghigna shares the story of a poem he wrote after waking up to his infant son's babbling over a nursery monitor.
NPR's Scott Simon talks with John Himmelman about his new collection of illustrated poems for children, "The Boy Who Lived in ...
A new collection of illustrated story poems is told from the perspective ... JOHN HIMMELMAN: Oh, thank you for having me. SIMON: I guess children are the intended audience, but I sure liked ...
NPR's Scott Simon talks with John Himmelman about his new collection of illustrated poems for children, "The Boy Who Lived in a Shell: Snippets for Wandering Minds." ...