The opossum — commonly called a possum in North America (though the term technically refers to marsupials native to Australia) — is a helpful addition to habitats across Southern Ontario and ...
In 1909, wealthy widow Susie W. Allgood marketed a plush marsupial inspired by President William Howard Taft. But children thought the toy looked "too much like a rat," and it sold poorly ...
That was the question posed by a political cartoon in the January 10, 1909, issue of the Atlanta Constitution. Inspired by a highly anticipated “possums and taters” banquet that the Atlanta ...
And what I think they should do is what we call, in rural America, ‘play possum.' Just let it go," Carville said. He continued, "Don’t get in the way of it. Or as we like to say, don’t just ...
Bishop W.C. Martin, wife Donna Martin and their church inspired the new film "Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot" Angel Studios More than two decades ago, 22 families from a small part of ...