36" by any size (Example Sizes: 24x 36, 28x36, 36x36, 36x54, 36x90, etc.) 42" by any size (Example Sizes: 30x42, 42x42, 42x56, 42x84, etc.) Most conferences and poster sessions have poster measurement ...
Use white backgrounds with colored text and/or graphics as the content of the poster. ITS does not design posters. Paper size is limited to 24, 36, and 44 inches. Make sure your posters are using one ...
Poster dimensions are a maximum of 4’ wide x 4’ high. Bring your poster rolled up; posters should not be foam core mounted. Poster stands and push-pins will be provided. If your poster is wider than 4 ...
Here is a start to finish, step by step guide to create and print your poster with us. 1. Create and size a PowerPoint slide. Visit Page Set Up for sizing directions. What size should my poster be?
Using a pre-made PowerPoint document/template helps ensure that your poster gets off to the right start and can speed up production and eliminate questions regarding setup. A variety of templates are ...