Citrus greening might not sound particularly deadly, but this disease, spread by a tiny insect called the Asian citrus psyllid, is the biggest threat facing citrus growers around the world.
Psyllids, a.k.a. jumping plant lice, are a family of true bugs (Hemiptera) that feed off plant juice; each kind of psyllid typically lives off a particular kind of plant. In 2019, researchers ...
Each species of psyllid, or jumping plant louse, feeds on a particular type of plant. Sometimes, a psyllid species feeds only on one species of plant, but more often it is limited to one genus of ...
They're facing a deadly disease called citrus greening, spread in the body of the invasive Asian citrus psyllid. Today, nearly every citrus grove in Florida is infected with the disease.
The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, (Insecta: Hemiptera: Psyllidae), has been identified as a damaging pest and an efficient vector of the plant infecting bacterium (Candidatus ...