This protocol describes a single-step technique for the purification of RNA. Cells are homogenized in guanidinium thiocyanate and the RNA is purified from the lysate by extraction with phenol ...
Anion-exchange chromatography is commonly used for final purification of plasmid DNA 13. It was found that RNA removal improves the throughput of subsequent ion-exchange columns for plasmid DNA ...
followed by RNA purification using spin column chromatography based on Biosynthesis’s proprietary resin. Collection of whole blood is the first step in many molecular assays used to study ...
The Urine Bacteria RNA Purification Kit purifies all sizes of RNA, from large mRNA and ribosomal RNA down to microRNA (miRNA) and small interfering RNA (siRNA).
★ 高校、快速、操作方便,适用于平行提取多个样品。 ★ 提取的RNA完整性好,纯度高,可用于多种分子生物学实验。 ★ 不含有机试剂、避免苯酚氯仿抽提、安全无毒。 ★ 适用于多种材料的RNA提取,如动植物组织,培养细胞等。 ★ 可以获得少量gDNA作为副产物。
In this article, Momin Shah discusses how to ensure that NGS protocols are optimized from the outset to save time and costs ...
continuous flow RNA in vitro transcription (IVT) and purification system that brings cost effective and scalable RNA manufacturing to the market. Traditional RNA production methods are costly and ...
Zymo Research is proud to introduce the Master the Microbiome Grant, a global initiative dedicated to advancing research in ...