英伟达 计划通过和微软合作,于今年 4 月为 DirectX 添加 RTX Neural Shaders 支持,让开发者调用 GeForce RTX GPU 的 Tensor Cores,在图形管线中直接加速 AI 算法。
IT之家 3 月 15 日消息,英伟达于 3 月 13 日发布博文,宣布和微软公司合作,将 RTX 神经网络着色器(RTX Neural Shaders)技术集成至微软 DirectX 框架,利用人工智能(AI)实时提升游戏画质,并大幅降低显存(VRAM)占用,最低可降至 1/7。 IT之家查询公开资料,RTX 神经网络着色器技术是基于 GeForce ...
What are the best Minecraft shaders? With shaders, you can instantly level up the look of your Minecraft world – even without an RTX graphics card. But with so many downloadable mods for the ...
With the release of the new generation of RTX Blackwell, NVIDIA quietly and without much fanfare showed where graphics will go next. Not only for games but also for other areas. Today we continue the ...
NVIDIA teams up with Microsoft to introduce neural shading, enhancing gaming graphics with AI. NVIDIA RTX Kit upgrades include Unreal Engine 5 support and enhancements for RTX Mega Geometry.
TL;DR: At GDC 2025, NVIDIA announced the official release of RTX Remix, a toolkit for remastering classic games with RTX technologies. It enables modders to enhance graphics, replace objects, and ...