All they knew was that this frog—the European brown frog or Rana temporaria—would keep their milk from turning sour. It might sound strange to modern ears, but this practice was a clever and ...
Scientists are celebrating the comeback of the amphibians (Rana sierrae) in Yosemite National Park. Though they’re still endangered, Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frogs have made a “remarkably ...
The California red-legged frog and northern red-legged frog were once both classified as subspecies — Rana a. draytonii and Rana a. aurora, respectively — of the red-legged frog (Rana aurora). But a ...
Emerging from a partially frozen pond more than 6,000 feet high in the Alps, European common frogs (Rana temporaria) set out to find mates and begin breeding activities. These frogs have adapted ...
Two species of frog and two toads are native to the UK. So-called common frogs (Rana temporaria) and common toads (Bufo bufo) are widespread and often spotted in gardens. But sightings of these ...
Plastic pollution, in particular its wide-spread presence in our land and oceans, has been an ongoing issue. A recent study by UCSB researchers spanning across the Marine Science Institute, Bren ...
A native to Indiana, the Northern USA, and Canada, the Northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens, has had historical, impactful roles in the study of endocrine disruption, cancer and drug discovery, ...
Once the most abundant and widespread frog species in North America, leopard frogs were widely collected not only for dissection but for the food industry (frog legs) as well. However, massive ...
When Kelly Morgan was 11 years old he had a terrifying encounter with Rana, a strange half man/half frog monster living in a lake. The creature killed his father and many other people before Kelly ...