Ring-tailed lemurs are unmistakable because of their long, vividly striped, black-and-white tail. They are familiar residents of many zoos. Lemurs use their hands and feet to move nimbly through ...
Staff at Safari West near Santa Rosa is “thrilled” to welcome a baby ring-tailed lemur born Feb. 22 at the wildlife preserve. The newest member of the 400-acre preserve’s seven-member ring-tailed ...
Ring-tailed lemurs have a black and white striped tail which is longer than their whole body! They use their tails to communicate and for balance. Ring-tailed lemurs eat fruits, flowers ...
The birth of a ring-tailed lemur was announced March 4 by Safari West; The Santa Rosa animal park revealed the baby's name is ...
Ring-tailed lemurs look different! They retain a number of primitive mammalian traits. For example: Reflective tapetum lucidum, which is a layer of cells in the wall of the eye that reflects light ...
There are 101 known species of lemur in Madagascar. The ring-tailed lemur is found in the dry forests and bush of southern and south-western Madagascar. Females reproduce at about three years of ...
Editor's note: This is part of a series of videos offering an up-close perspective on the animal kingdom. A special 360-degree video camera system was set up in zoos and other facilities to show ...
There’s a new member of the animal kingdom at Saskatoon’s Forestry Farm Park and Zoo. Zoo manager Jeff Mitchell on Friday introduced the latest addition: a ring-tailed lemur, born healthy ...
A lemur died from tuberculosis—a likely victim of the illegal pet trade A lemur died from tuberculosis—a likely victim of the illegal pet trade We Are Beginning to Decode Ring-Tailed Lemur ...
TOLEDO, Ohio — A male ring-tailed lemur was born at the Toledo Zoo earlier this month. The baby was born on March 10 to parents Fanta (mom), and Echo (dad), making him Fanta's sixth child. He is the ...
Given the threat to lemurs in the wild, it is essential to determine how human-induced habitat change is affecting their health. In 2003 a survey on the health and disease ecology of wild ring-tailed ...