It is a ritual that takes place every winter — federal and state wildlife managers use remote cameras, scat collection, radio telemetry devices and helicopters to count Mexican gray wolves that are ...
The key myth, Erica suggests, is the story of the origin of Rome: Romulus and Remus were abandoned in a forest and suckled by ...
At least one wolf was tracked in a Western Slope watershed that includes the Interstate 70 corridor through Mesa County and abuts the northern border of Delta County. The map shows watersheds ...
At least one wolf was tracked in a Western Slope watershed that includes the Interstate 70 corridor through Mesa County and abuts the northern border of Delta County. The map shows watersheds ...
This year's count shows the recovery of Mexican wolves is inching forward. The smallest subspecies of gray wolf in North America, Mexican wolves were listed as endangered in 1976, and a binational ...
The recovery of the smallest subspecies of gray wolf in North America is inching ... helicopters to count Mexican gray wolves that are roaming mountain ranges in parts of New Mexico and Arizona.
There were 11% more Mexican wolves, 286, surveyed in New Mexico and Arizona ALBUQUERQUE – It is a ritual that takes place every winter – federal and state wildlife managers use remote cameras ...