To eat, rorqual whales open their mouths and lunge while their tongues invert and their mouths fill like giant water balloons full of floating prey. The whales' nerves are stretchy so they can ...
The skeleton of a rorqual whale lies in the sand along the shoreline of northern Namibia. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert!
The ocean is home to the largest animals of all-time ... These questions about the biology of gigantism drive our research on rorqual whales, a family of whales that all use an extreme feeding ...
How did they survive? Let’s take a closer look! Humpback whales are a significant member of the Rorqual family, a group of baleen whales, but they are not the largest; the blue whale holds that ...