知名百万YouTube频道「Ryuuu TV」的成员Ryu、Yuma,去年证实双双婚内出轨,Yuma偷吃日本网红Tommy,Ryu则跟女画家交往。两人今年1月官宣离婚后,事隔2个月,Ryu扶正当时外遇的女画家,在社群分享恩爱的放闪画面。女 ...
Saint Killingham is one of the Holy Knights, and he has one of the most overpowered Devil Fruits ever seen in One Piece.
(东京16日讯)百万订阅YouTube频道《Ryuuu TV》曾以日常分享风靡网路,然而去年因夫妻档成员 Ryu 与 Yuma 先后爆出婚外情,引起关注。两人已于今年1月正式宣布离婚,当时 Ryu 坦承出轨对象为一位女画家,对方更曾在风波期间出面揭发 ...
Most specifically, fans didn't like what kind of powers Killingham would hold, especially since his Devil Fruit is a mythical Zoan, and usually, they tend to have complex abilitie ...