The budget process in South Africa is one of the most critical functions of Parliament, ensuring government spending aligns with national priorities while maintaining accountability and transparency.
his daughter hopes to represent the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara communities in another national first – South Australia’s inaugural voice to parliament. "Back then my father was a ...
SA farmers joined the opposition on the steps of Parliament House in Adelaide to ... "This is the first time in my lifetime I have never seen the crop make it to a head to reap any grain," he ...
2016 at the SA Parliament House. It was for the first time that the auspicious occasion was celebrated in SA Parliament House in Adelaide. Hon Danna Wortley MP for Torrens, SA and Russel Wortley ...
Parliament spokesperson Moloto Mothapo confirmed the breach to Daily Maverick, stating “Parliament has identified a security breach affecting one of its 25 YouTube streaming services (channels ...