Fortunately, recognizing the inferior STEMI is a bit more straightforward. This MI involves ST segment elevation in the inferior leads II, III and aVF and only requires 1 mm in 2 contiguous leads.
Poor performance on quality metrics carried greater risk of in-hospital mortality no matter where patients initially ...
defined as initial UFH bolus dose > 70 U/kg or infusion dose > 15 U/kg/h. Refer to site reports for STEMI (Slide 1) and NSTEMI (Slide 2).
JOPLIN, Mo. — Our American Heart Month coverage wraps up tonight with a look at some of the most deadly cardiovascular issues and how they’re treated at the level one STEMI center at Freeman ...
The following is a summary of “Continuous quality improvement for prehospital STEMI improved triage rates and achievement of ...
Type 1 and type 2 MIs are distinguished by pathophysiology ... compared to those with non-ST segment elevation MI (non-STEMI) or ST segment elevation MI (STEMI). Unstable angina is more often ...
Canada: A new study highlights that the guidance patients receive from physicians regarding resuming driving after a ...
95% CI 1.05–1.24; P<0.003). The authors conclude that an initial aspirin dose of 162 mg may be as effective as, and possibly safer than, a 325 mg dose in patients with STEMI.