While environmental monitoring professionals are keeping track of aerosols, greenhouse gases, nutrients, PFAS and ...
Freshwater salinization is rising due to pollution and ocean intrusion, threatening water supplies, agriculture, and ...
Scientists have developed a new method to detect ancient microbial life in Martian gypsum, potentially guiding future Mars ...
The invasive Pacific oyster have adapted to life in less salty seas and are reproducing off the coast of Skåne, although ...
Carritt, D. E., and Carpenter, J. H., U.S. Nat. Acad. Sci., Washington, Pub. No. 600, Physical and Chemical Properties of Sea Water, 67 (1959).
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Increased water salinity in marine diatom Nitzschia disrupts photosynthetic apparatus connections and cell shell formation. Advanced photonic methods revealed ...
Rising salinity levels threaten paddy cultivation in Kuttanad, impacting farmers and prompting calls for government support.
Central government highlights climate change impact on soil degradation, rainfall increase, and crop yield reduction in Lok Sabha.